Applications for the DIRECTOR of the COMMUNICATION ARTS DEPARTMENT SPONSORED FILM have been postponed until November 6th.
Scripts are due to Andrew Rudd by email by 5 pm. Scripts should be either in CELTX format or PDF. They MUST include a title page, but may NOT include the author's name. Scripts must be 17 pages or SHORTER. Treatments are welcome to be entered, but will receive less consideration than completely written scripts.
The scripts will be read and ranked by a jury of distinguished alumni. All readers have made short films and many currently work in entertainment industries. The winning scripts will be announced on Monday, November 2nd.
In the email you attach your script to, you should list your name, major, script name, and indicate whether you would:
a. prefer to direct your script, but would allow someone else to direct it,
b. prefer NOT to direct your script, and desire another director for it,
c. be ambivalent about whether you direct your script,
d. prefer to direct your script, and would not want your script to be directed by anyone else.