Monday, February 1, 2016

Winners 2015!

Join us for Winners 2015!, our kickoff to the 2016 Open Frame Film Festival.  You can attend on either of two nights: Wednesday, Feb. 10 or Thursday, Feb. 11.  We'll be meeting in the Library in room CL49 beginning at 8 pm.  The Pizza and Drinks are on Us!  Watch some of last year's films, have a chat with the director and crew and get all of your questions about this year's festival answered.

On Wednesday (beginning at 8 pm) we'll be screening these films from the 2015 Open Frame : Don’t Drink Decaf, Oh God, Untitled, Hope Deferred, Malone at It’s Finest

On Thursday (beginning at 8 pm) we'll be screening these films from the 2015 Open Frame : Wait for It, Fatal Vengeance, Lurch and the Scrawl, When Bae Gets Salty, NewlyWednesday, 2015 Malone Housing Draft

See you There!
